saveBOARD is a new venture backed by Tetra Pak, Freightways and Closed Loop.
Freightways Limited
Freightways is focused on building a circular economy with their core capabilities in pick-up, processing and delivery to help businesses close the loop on waste solutions. This partnership allows us to fully realise a commitment to circular waste solutions with minimal carbon kilometres all whilst providing a new strategic growth category.
Tetra Pak
More than just monetary figures for us. It's the right thing to do - to help reduce dependency on waste export channels and help facilitate a solution that improves the local collection and recycling infrastructure. This solution will also allow us to demonstrate our contribution to a low carbon economy.
Closed Loop Environmental Solutions (CLES) are innovators in Waste Upcycling, and are changing how people collect, treat and reuse waste. ClosedLoop is committed to building a circular economy by helping our partners keep waste out of landfill, and turning waste back into products that re-enter the local supply chain, eliminating future landfill.
Closed Loop started Simply Cups, Australia's leading coffee cup recycling program, soon expanding in New Zealand. Coffee cups can be used as material for saveBOARD.
Kingspan | Thermakraft
saveBOARD has partnered with Kingspan Thermakraft in a groundbreaking initiative to recycle their flexible underlay offcuts into our saveBOARD Multi-use construction panels.
This partnership is a significant milestone, not only providing saveBOARD with a consistent stream of raw materials. It also expanding our presence on construction sites with sustainable products that creates the circle for a common waste stream.
Upcycled Building Materials Shareholders
We are luckily enough to have a committed group of shareholders who all have complementary skills they bring to our business; they include:
Freightways Limited
Closed Loop Environmental Services Pty Ltd
Charteris Family No.1 Trust
Tihora Trust
Brown Family
Elder Trust